Manager Couple - Cabri, SK
Manager Couple - Cabri, SK
Cabri Regional Park is a small park in southwest Saskatchewan with approximately 120 RV sites. The majority of the sites are seasonal. We are seeking a couple to manage the park for the 2022 season. The season runs from May long weekend (Victoria Day) through Labour Day weekend. The managers must arrive by May 01 and remain through the end of September.
- Duites include all aspects of park operations; mostly grounds maintenence. A detailed job description can be sent upon request.
- We can provide a fully serviced site for your Rv - free, or there is a three bedroon/two bath trailer available for the managers- free of charge.
- We have an online booking sytem so office work is minimal but applicants should be comfortable using a computer.
- Salary is commesurate with skills and experience.
- We plan to hire summer students to assist the managers.