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- Sustainable cabin on a lake in heart of Patagonia at a beautiful place in exchange for 10 hours/person work per week; small engine knowledge a must! - Patagonia, Chile
Sustainable cabin on a lake in heart of Patagonia at a beautiful place in exchange for 10 hours/person work per week; small engine knowledge a must! - Patagonia, Chile
Sustainable cabin on a lake in heart of Patagonia at a beautiful place in exchange for 10 hours/person work per week; small engine knowledge a must! - Patagonia, Chile
Looking for a special couple to live on the opposite side of our Patagonian lake. Might you like to spend at least a year in Patagonia, Chile, very remote and beautiful? Help take care of our home, land, lake, twenty alpacas/llamas, dog and two cats and live in your own small, off-grid home on a lovely remote, forested lake with mountain views, and live rent and utility-free year round. Must enjoy solitude and be able to live completely off the grid without TV or addictions of any kind, and be willing to confront very occasional trophy trout poachers within the Chilean law. Spanish proficiency extremely helpful. Must have the means to drive to buy most of your own food from Villa Cerro Castillo, twenty minutes away or Coyhaique, two hours distant, health care, transportation, and other necessities. We live here from Oct thru April and in Chicago the rest of the year, but need someone to watch our hundred acres of land and yurt plus ninety acre lake, tend fences, trap mink, feed animals, etc. when we are not here. Small salary (enough to feed yourself) plus earned bonus will also be provided to care for llamas and alpacas and greenhouse, yurt, barns, etc during winter (April-Oct). To heat your home and provide cooking and hot water, you will need to gather, chainsaw and split fallen trees from the property and be able to drive and maintain small boats with outboards. Bridge players (or those willing to learn to play bridge) are encouraged during summer! Extensive vacations during summer, start date, some salary and duties are negotiable, and we are reasonable, pretty self-sufficient, sane and fun to be around. We volunteer nearly full time for an educational non-profit utilizing extremely expensive/slow BGAN satellite internet during the months we are home; we believe cell/internet service will be available at your cabin by 2022, although we can't be sure. There is cellular service within about a fifteen minute drive now. We love it here and are looking for another independent, mature, friendly couple who will love it, too! Perfect for mountain bikers, technical and casual climbers, fly-fisher-people and spinners/weavers. After correspondence and photos/references exchanged by email, we will interview/chat by Skype before either of us commit to personal visit and trial period. We need a couple to start by around 1 March 2021 and stay at least through 25 December 2021.
You must be able to drive your own vehicle, operate and maintain chainsaws and outboard motors and live without internet on the property from April through October.
Accommodation: We built a small, well-insulated and cute cabin on stilts (one side carport, other side boat house), about 4 years ago, and each winter's couples have added their talents to making it special and homey. Solar power. Furnished. One bedroom, one bathroom/shower/sink, separette toilet (and outhouse), loft, kitchen, wood stove for heat, hot water, cooking, settees, dining area, great view, US insulated windows with screens, wood decks all around.
This area is home to world-class fly fishing lodges that charge $1000/person/day to fish in lakes (including ours) and rivers for trophy brown trout. It is also a newly discovered area for worldwide competitions in off-road biking, hiking and rock climbing, and the stars at night are incredible as there are no people with lights for about 10 miles around our homes. Spin/weave alpaca, learn/play bridge, enjoy great greenhouse.
Please don't apply if you can't stay the entire time and/or meet all of the requirements listed.