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- Resident Overnight Team - Eugene, OR
Resident Overnight Team - Eugene, OR
Resident Overnight Team - Eugene, OR
We are looking for a two-person team, Resident Overnight Team, who would serve as live-in security and customer service for Willamette Oaks, a senior housing community in Eugene and in exchange you get FREE room and board and other wonderful benefits! Please see the details below. This requires a two person team, in essence you need to already have a 2nd team member in mind to share the duties and the apartment with.
We are looking for a couple (or two people) to share a one-bedroom apartment at Willamette Oaks, a beautifully situated and long-standing retirement community. You and your partner would work on a part-time and on-call basis, trading off every three or four nights with another team to share the responsibilities listed below. Ideally, you would want to become an integral part of the community, offering caring customer service and a safe living environment in the evenings for the seniors.
Although this is not a paid position, you would be placed in a one-bedroom apartment (~500 sq. ft.) with all utilities paid for and including free cable TV and Wi-Fi. You would also be provided free daily meals, weekly housekeeping, and full medical and dental benefits. What a screaming deal for a rather modest commitment!
Provide security for the building and residents during non-business hours, checking outside doors and making sure residents are securely in their room for the night.
Provide front desk coverage 6:30pm – 9:30pm to assist residents and visitors.
Be able to respond to emergencies by assessing the situation and responding accordingly.
Prepare self-serve station for residents each morning and cover the front desk until the Receptionist/Concierge comes on shift at 8am.
Keep front doors locked until front desk personnel arrive for their shift in the morning.
Apply to this posting directly with updated resumes for both you and your team member.
Q: Do I have to stay awake all night?
A: Absolutely not. You are only required to respond to emergencies after you have finished your rounds and desk coverage. You would be on-call overnight.
Q: How much of a time commitment is it?
A: One of you will make the rounds and the other will cover the front desk. The evening commitment is about 3 hours. The morning is until front desk comes on shift at 8am. It is a 3 nights on/4 nights off, 4 nights on/3 nights off rotation with the other security team.
Q: I have a beloved pet! Can they live with me?
A: Yes! Pets make our lives more full.
Q: Is this a paid position?
A: It is not, but remember: free room, board, utilities, medical and dental benefits, cable TV, Wi-Fi, parking, and weekly housecleaning.
Q: Is this an assisted living facility?
A: No, this retirement community is for folks who do not require medical assistance.