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- FEATURED JOB OPENING: Caretaker and Small Equine Barn Work for Private Family Ranch in Northern NM - On Rio Chama (River) between Santa Fe and Abiquiu, NM
FEATURED JOB OPENING: Caretaker and Small Equine Barn Work for Private Family Ranch in Northern NM - On Rio Chama (River) between Santa Fe and Abiquiu, NM
FEATURED JOB OPENING: Caretaker and Small Equine Barn Work for Private Family Ranch in Northern NM - On Rio Chama (River) between Santa Fe and Abiquiu, NM
Type Position: Permanent position. Part to full-time depending on qualifications as well as scope and work duties assigned. Work scope can grow. Couple with equine experience ideal. Excellent opportunity for skilled self-starters.
Where: Located at 5800 feet elevation along the Rio Chama River in the valley between the Jemez and Sangre de Cristo Mountain Ranges. This beautiful small ranch is located on US Highway 84 only minutes from the full-service community of Espanola (pop. 10,000) and 40 minutes from Santa Fe, NM, state capital of New Mexico. Bordered west and east by National Forest and BLM land with abundant birds and wildlife. With weather enjoyed by all despite variable winter conditions that are often beautiful and mild but can be cold especially at dawn!
Are you animal-loving, mature, warm, reliable, trustworthy and organized? Do you enjoy being outdoors and accomplishing tasks, including routine ones, on a timely basis? Are you calm but energetic and able to perform vigorous physical tasks? Summer is busier and winter usually is slower in work to be done. Equines require ongoing attention and care in all seasons.
Owner seeks a reliable competent couple to live on 55-acre property in a beautiful environment. The ranch serves as second home to owner from the Upper Midwest. Recent retirees encouraged to apply. Primarily require hands-on outdoor and building management, as well as equine management. The scope of the job depends on your skill-sets. Prior equine, forestry, gardening, carpentry and overall construction and related experience are highly desirable. Anticipated start date: August 15, 2020, or to be arranged.
A one-bedroom 9yr old stick-built home is located on property with modern kitchen, pantry, and laundry.
Owner is in residence for substantial extended periods. Equines (presently 8, of which 4 are seniors) are in residence in NM full-time. An additional person rides and exercises the horses 3 times a week. Care takers must be available to work weekends. Horse work is a split schedule morning and afternoons. Daily work load and time depends on your skills and division of work.
General Attributes Sought
Applicants must be self-motivated with strong interpersonal skills for coordinating with service providers and others.
Effective timely written and oral communication skills
Good analytical/critical thinking skills
Reliable, on-time
Skill with tools and equipment repair
Ability to maintain and operate farm machinery
Current driver’s licenses
Ability to drive trucks, trailers, load equipment
Strength and ability to lift and stack hay bales, water buckets, feed tubs, and perform other manual
labor necessary to maintain ranch
Not afraid of heights (gutter cleaning, solar equipment and roof checks)
Prior significant experience with horses a major plus
Additional language an asset, with willingness to endeavor to understand basic Spanish
Flexibility with work schedules and available generally on holidays in absence of specific arrangements otherwise
General tasks include:
• Hands-on maintenance with ability to anticipate and perform preventive maintenance and repairs for buildings, pastures, yards, fences, irrigation systems, timely routine pond clearance (monitoring pumps, flushing etc.)
• Monitor wells, water treatment, stand-by generator, propane deliveries, solar, sewer, security and other systems, performing seasonal maintenance
• Operate tractor, vehicles, trailers, maintain, and monitor any third-party repairs for machinery
• Operate and maintain chain saws, sprayers, lawn equipment and monitor use of equipment
• Perform, if possible, light welding
• Develop sound working knowledge of HVAC, irrigation, solar, gate, and security systems and facilitate efficient performance of outside work by vendors
• Muck stalls and paddocks
• Feed and rotate horses on and off pastures, manage composting, keep barn clean and organized with assistance from others
• Maintain inventories for horse operations, including hay, feed, and other supplies
• Assist owner in various ways including care for house pets (currently dogs and cats) as needed, transport to airport (usually Albuquerque), help with house issues, repairs, and improvements as time permits (some tasks adjust seasonally depending on availability of assistance from others)
• Oversee gardens and work performed, hands on gardening a plus
• House maintenance including some cleaning and painting
• Maintain and provide owner with monthly records of expenditures
• Ability to use internet to order items and make reports
• Supervise any other personnel and reinforce good barn management (for example: chains on gates when horses are present, gates always closed, timely manure removal from various areas, automatic waterers cleaned and serviced, waterer maintenance and repair, fly and rodent control
• Manage plantings and weeds, trail clearance with attention to aesthetics and land health
• Other duties as assigned
• Depending on applicant and partner skill sets, assist owner in additional ways
• Administer feed, at least twice a day, give grain, supplements, meds as needed (with assistance)
• Responsible for twice-daily body check of 8 equines for cuts, abrasions, any lameness, sickly or unusual behavior
Compensation paid monthly in addition to housing, (solar heat and hot water); you pay utilities. Compensation TBD.
Other requirements: Must provide proof of eligibility to work, be a US citizen or permanent resident, and provide employment references to be contacted, and permission for credit and background check.
Provide full work history on resume (dates of employment) and complete an application.
Strong interpersonal skills and flexibility.
Demonstrate humane attitude toward animals and others visiting or working on the property while maintaining secure, well-structured, safe environment.
Non-smokers only – smoking is prohibited on the property and fire danger in Southwest requires strict enforcement.
Modest or no alcohol use.
Strength and coordination to perform tasks described above.
Prior approval of any pets to be brought onto property (one or two dogs possibly)
Knowledge of use of fire hoses and permitted methods and times for use of fires. No illegal drugs.
Must be willing to stay up to date on available vaccines (including annual flu shots).
Send photos and or a video to show who you are to help become acquainted with you. Tell how this position can suit your life at this time. We understand this type position requires a good fit for all. Thank you for your consideration!