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- Need Happy, Honest, Working Couple at my Warehouse Leasing Operation, Starting on 15 Mar19 - Corpus Christi, TX
Need Happy, Honest, Working Couple at my Warehouse Leasing Operation, Starting on 15 Mar19 - Corpus Christi, TX
Need Happy, Honest, Working Couple at my Warehouse Leasing Operation, Starting on 15 Mar19 - Corpus Christi, TX
I need a couple that is Happy, Good Natured, Friendly, Polite, Helpful, Courteous, Honest, has good Morals, Ethics, and is Sincere and Caring.
I own an Exceptionally Clean and 'Well Built' Business Center called McCord Business Center, at 5566 Ayers St., in Corpus Christi, Texas, where we lease out rooms to individuals and businesses for 'shop spaces' to small businesses, like plumbing shops, electrical, welding, etc. to run their small businesses out of.
You will need your Own RV to live in, and I have a 2 large EXTREMELY SAFE RV sites for my Workers, and I pay for your electricity, water, sewer, and Wifi.
I will have One large RV Site available around 15 March 2019
I can't offer any TV, but we use a 'Tailgator' with our RV, and it does a Great job.
I ask that you are a 'Couple' so there are more than just one set of eyes to be able to watch and keep our place Safer for All of us, INCLUDING YOU.
I need a fairly young or very active couple, because I don’t want either of you hurting yourselves doing the mowing and weed-eating and other maintenance
jobs that need to be done from time to time and Not Full Time.
The Maintenance jobs include mowing, weed-eating, climbing ladders to take down, priming, painting, facia boards, then putting back up, patching holes in driveways, painting buildings, doors, etc, but not limited to this......
I don't allow any of my Lessees to bring Pit Bulls or any other kind of vicious dogs onto my property, so I Cannot allow a Worker to have any vicious breed of dog on my property, either. Your Pets Must stay in your RV at nights, and Not Bark or be a nuisance and/or cause problems, if outside in the daytime. Of course, you Must 'Pick Up' after them, as Decent people do, and your pet must Never be a bother to Anyone…..
I cannot have Children at my Business Center, as there is some traffic in there at times, and it might be dangerous for them.
I Have to Have someone who is a Pretty Good Mechanic, to be able to fix the 'riding' mower, weed-eater and/or other items we use, if they don't run, or isn't running right to get the job done, rather than take it to a danged 'shop' to get it fixed.
You cannot have too many guest over, Play Loud Music, or do anything else that is annoying and upsets my Lessees. My Lessee's are not allowed to do it, So…..
I would want you to have a newer or at least Very Clean, and 'Well Kept Up' RV to park on my property, and I want you to please be considerate and conservative of my electricity and water. I Cannot and Will Not Tolerate Wastefulness…….
All my Lessees sign an 'Extremely Strict' Lease Agreement that says my place is for doing Business, and Business Only. We Do Not Allow Any Alcoholic Beverages or Drugs brought on or consumed on our property, and NO PARTYING, EVER. And, they Understand this. This is how we Constantly have Excellent, Clean, people leasing from us, that cause NO Trouble. You will receive one of my Lease Agreements, and I will expect you to make sure my Lessees Go By It.
This Does Not mean you can't drink or Bar-b-que, You Live here, they just Lease from me here.
But, NO DOPE, and I can't have you always having guest coming in and out.
We run a Tight Ship with our Lessees, and we put up with Absolutely NO B.S., or they are Evicted. Because of this, we have ONLY the Best Lessees in Corpus Christi, and NEVER have any problems, because of the fact that we are so Strict as to what they can and cannot do on our property. And, our Lessees Appreciate this, as some have leased from us over 45 years, knowing their 'stuff' will be safe, when they return to it.
We have gates that are locked after dark and opening the AM's.
You will Not have to do 'Office Time' to check people in or out, or 'take reservations'.
My place is a Safe as it gets for people to live, and just couldn't be Any easier to get to and/or from. We are merely Seconds from the Cross-Town Expressway, and 4 turns and 3 miles you are in downtown Corpus Christi, or 4 turns and 15 - 18 miles later, you are at the Padre Island National Seashore.
I can't offer any 'Pay', but I only expect 20 hours of work per week, and although my place is completely fenced, I want Everyone in there to be Most Aware of people on my property that isn't supposed to be there 24/7, as this Keeps my property, all of my Lessees, And YOU, Safe. As I said, we Don’t and Have Never had any problems, because of this, whereas other business centers call the 'Cops' weekly, if not daily. I say 'I don't offer any Pay', but it is Highly Possible that you can obtain employment, if you need it, from one or more of my many Lessees in McBC, as others have done. Many Companies in Corpus Christi are Looking for People that Want To Work.
After the mowing, weed-eating, spraying & killing the weeds after heavy rains, building maintenance, picking up the little bit of trash that accumulates in the driveways, and cleaning the 4 or 5 restrooms are done, once a week, and maybe at times some roof or leak sealing, it could be weeks before you would be asked to do anything else, 'Other Than Always Watching, And Being On Guard', until the grass needs to be cut/weed-eated, again.
I seriously doubt you will even work 15 hours a week, if that much, (but, sometimes more will need to be done) So, you will have Plenty of time to do whatever you want to do, But, Always Please schedule when you want 'Off the Property', with the other Workers, so One of you will Always be there, to 'Watch Things'.
Now, I have just hired the most Prestigious Engineering Firm in Corpus to Ask (Plead) with the City of Corpus Christi to let me put in a small (50-60 sites) RV Park, and IF this happens and gets running good, I may be able to pay a small salary.
I do not deduct FICA or 'carry' insurance on my Workers as everyone is 'Independent Contractors'.
We normally have two Workers, and I have one spot available Starting around the Fifteenth day of March 2019.