Work Camper - Blakeslee / Poconos, PA
Seeking work campers for very small camp located in the Pocono mountians of PA
part time work in exchange for camp site with electric and water.
april 2019-october 2019
duties would include
grounds maintenence- mowing, weed whacking
splitting wood with wood splitter
cleaning 3 cabins and laundry.
the first couple of weeks would require more hours of spring clean up. The rest of the season would be general upkeep of the grounds and occassional cleaing of cabins.and laundry apprx 10-15 hrs per week per person.
would like someone with capenrtry skills as I need to have handicap ramp built and table tennis game.
this is very part time and flexible for the most part. would allow you time to explore the Poconos or even work at one of the resorts or nearby waterparks or one of the many tourist activities such as white water rafting.