Looking for experienced live-in Domestic couple with excellent references. Duties include managing and providing full time care for the family's
Upper East Side NYC residence as well as support for their other domestic couple who oversee Ct and Remsenburg Long Island properties. Strong housekeeping and Museum quality cleaning throughout the house, strong property management skills, maintenance and upkeep of all home amenities, carpentry, handyman/houseman skills. Full laundry duties incluing washing, ironing,steaming, closet organization, packing and unpacking for travel, waxing/polishing of wood floors, some family style cooking (they have a chef), serving meals as needed and providing formal service. Good driving skills required and the gentleman must have had experience driving in New York City.
Position is two days off during the week. Salary $150-170,000 gross per year DOE, + 50% benefits paid, 401K and life Ins. Please email a detailed resume, all references names and contact information, any letters of references you may have along with a recent photo.
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