I am seeking a couple that would occupy one of my vacation rental homes in an exurb of Chicago. The home is close to Amtrak and day trips into Chicago are possible, however a vehicle will be required for running local errands, etc.
The home has high speed internet and sits on a wooded ravine with about 5 acres of land. The ideal couple would live in the the home and handle occasional guests in a Bed and Breakfast type of setting. The home is older and has sat vacant over the winter, so some initial work to bring it up to a bristol standard would be required.
If one or both of you are handy, I'm happy to have you take on projects (painting, exterior maint, etc), or at the very least manage others who come in to do work. Otherwise most of the day to day will be involved with maintaining the landscaping which consists of a variety of trees, native perennial beds, and traditional lawn.
If interested, please reply with your qualifications and relevant experience. This position has a small stipend, with housing expenses included (utlities, internet). At a minimum I would expect a 6 month stay, ideally longer term (1 year+).
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