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- Bed & Breakfast Caretakers - Morrison, CO
Bed & Breakfast Caretakers - Morrison, CO
Bed & Breakfast Caretakers - Morrison, CO
Arrowhead is Immediately Seeking: Live-In Innkeeper Assistant & Caretaker Individuals to live on-site and/or Intern, working in all aspects of running our small, Beautiful Mountain luxury Bed and Breakfast/Inn in Beautiful Colorado. Live out work and/or internships may also be available to the right people.
Our Interns and staff who have the drive can stay long term and in doing so get to learn everything there is to know about the exciting field of Hospitality and SO many other things too!! From Customer Service, to how to sell, even if you don’t like it, to Many people enjoy the hospitality field because they get to travel the world and meet many great people while often getting paid to do so. Our Interns, after graduation, also have the opportunity to stay on at Arrowhead, upon mutual agreement, in the long term position of Onsite Innkeepers/Innkeeper Assistant/Co-Managers, as either individuals &/or Couples, as openings become available.
Examples of careers and intern positions available;
Property Caretakers-AWESOME job for the homebody who hates the idea of commuting! $9-$12 per hour, including free living accommodations, rent, room, board, heat, hot water, electricity, internet, phone, cable, trash, water, sewer, and even snow removal (although you may be the one getting paid while at work to do it!) an average of 40 hours per week, living on site free,
Property Assistant Innkeeper / Manager Couple-AWESOME job for the people who love to work rather than drive to work for no pay anyway. Couple will do everything necessary to run, manage and to increase the already amazing Inn, with hopes to eventually open and run a restaurant, catering company and possibly a tasting room. With a location that beats all other and has signage to over 10,000 vehicles per day! The Innkeeper Couple that you work for has plenty of experience and background in running and developing all aspects of all of these businesses but needs a little help from a good, young, dedicated, motivated couple or single due to some health problems going on for one of them currently. We need your couple to help get over the hump in opening these different additional operations at our already successful Bed and Breakfast / Inn, and Event Center. Your couple will help as Assistant B&B Innkeepers, Managers in all day to day operations. This includes give Caretakers and Innkeepers days off so will do light cleaning one day per week, an average of 4-6 hours per week and oversee as well as work guest services, checkins, checkouts, weddings, events, and banquets. With the other 80% of your time will be doing everything alongside us that it takes to develop the other additional business services listed above, winery, restaurant, catering company.
All Interns, or Staff, whether Individuals, and/or Couples work & live onsite together (in separate living quarters, of course unless a couple) here at the Inn each performing some or all of the duties we might do here in running the Inn, including but not limited to, the following:
-Guest Interaction & Customer Service
-Reservation Services
-Cooking, Serving & Cleanup of Meals, about 1-2 hours a day max, for one person
-Light Office Work & Phones
-Housekeeping (room cleaning, bathroom cleaning, common area cleaning) 1-3 hours average per day, max for 1 person
-Laundry (destaining, washing, drying, folding and putting away)
-Light Indoor/Outdoor Upkeep and Maintenance
-Light Construction and Remodel
-Business Planning
-Business Development
-Marketing and Development
-Light website and S.E.O. development and social media development, and SO much more!
- And Arrowhead offers many other learning opportunities in many other fields and areas.
?Interns and staff are typically paid and paid well for their good efforts at Arrowhead. Each live-out staff-member or intern is engaged for a short period, while live in staff or Interns are engaged for a longer period. Live-In Interns and staff are engaged under 1099 contract, for a 3 month or longer contract, ending in low season, of each year, or multiple years, at Arrowhead discretion and by mutual written agreement. Staff and. Interns are responsible to deduct and directly pay all of their own taxes, workman's comp., disability, retirement, insurances, etc. unless or until more benefits might be in order. After initial training, couple or individual MUST be self- starters & hard workers who will provide the services required to run, and may help to develop, the Inn & Event Center without the need for constant management, direction &/or reminders. Hours vary & can be quite sporadic &/or heavy at times & then very few &/or much lighter per week at other times, more in high season (May - Sept) & less in low season (Oct -Apr).
In return, Interns, and Staff Caretakers, Caretaker Couples who run the Inn will receive a base salary, plus, commensurate with your (individual and/or team) hours worked, experience and efforts, to include, but not be limited to: SALARY. PLUS FREE use and rental of your onsite living quarters, including FREE utilities (heat, hot water, electric, gas, water, sewer, trash, etc.), FREE calling in the US, FREE Internet & wi-fi, FREE computer usage, PLUS ?FREE meals each time you work a full day, and even some partial days, basically EVERY expense anyone normally requires to live are all paid for our live-ins, AND, PLUS the ability to earn more, more, more, including tips, commissions, bonuses, gifts, and other forms of income, all commensurate with each Interns or Innkeeper Assistant's consistently honest & positive attitudes, work ethics, true hours worked, and efforts given. And, if you or your team are instrumental in further development of the business or profits, possible profit sharing in our ever-growing business, after just one year. That’s right, the more you all ?work, give, do, try, and the better your attitude and Customer Service, the more you will make! Mix that together with the fact that our Interns and staff who live onsite are able to avoid all the typical costs and losses people find in the real world or working world. No commute, which saves you at least ½ hour per person per direction per day worked, and also saves on all the costs of commuting, including but not limited to maintenance and upkeep, gas, insurance, brakes, tires, fluids, oil changes, batteries, breakages, and all of that kind of thing, on both your vehicles and your belongings! And, our Interns and staff learn more here than even at some of the largest hotels. Our Interns and staff learn everything from the top to bottom, front of house, to back of house, of all the many business endeavors we have going on here. And those who are couples get to spend so much more time together that they are typically cemented for life by the end of year one.
No on the job drinking or drugging allowed, at any time, and/or any heavy drinking and/or illicit drug use allowed at the building, ever while working. And, no heavy drinking and/or drug use at the building at any time. Due to the nature of the business, we don’t have the ability to give sick or personal days without a reduction in overall bonuses and/or pay. Mountain Casual Professional dress code is the norm here, with only conservative and respectable attire, including safe, flat, no-slip shoes, and is required at the building at all times, and occasional professional banquet service attire (black pants, or khaki pants and a nice clean, crisp and pressed white shirt and flat, safe black dress shoes) may be required during certain events. All applicants must prove they are legal to work in US & MUST be completely and fully fluent in both written & verbal English.
Typically no vehicle use of Company vehicle can ever be provided to start (but might eventually be negotiable for the right person) and since we are in the Foothills in Colorado, where there is snow, & wildlife, and no pedestrian walkways or sidewalks, and the city is about 3-5 miles away, it is suggested that Applicants have a good, rugged, solid, front, all or four wheel drive vehicle. Each applicant must demonstrate proof of insurance and good driving habits and record in case of occasional business errand use. There is no transit, pedestrian, bi-ped, tri-ped or any other type system nearby. There may be a chance we can provide occasional transportation to and from the store for our Interns, about once per week, for one hour. But, a good, Colorado safe vehicle is a good idea. All applicants in your couple will need to come to CO to begin at the same time. Proof of no criminal background, and an EXCELLENT job (& credit) history & references are required before final hire. Sorry, while we love them, NO pets &/or children, are allowed and NO families can be considered at this time. there is not enough living space. Remember too, that the more you already know, and/or the harder you work, the more you can provide to our company, and the more you will make! At our place, we do pay more for experience but we pay the most for hard work and efforts.
CONTRACT TERM/START DATE: IMMEDIATE. Initial term to be at least 3 months-12 months but can be as long as many years, or longer (all by mutual agreement). Contract terms are typically 3 months or more, by mutual agreement, with bonuses for more than 1 year.
APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS: MUST send ALL information you want us to consider, all in one email, no piecemeal emails, your complete and detailed resume (including dates of employment, why you left, and contact information for all previous employers and/or clients) along with everything else you might want us to consider and/or to get to know you, including all references, photos, social media account information, awards, achievements, marketing &/or computer pieces, etc., all in one email, to Admin@ArrowheadManor.com.
***PLEASE DO NOT STOP BY AND/OR CALL! ?PLEASE NOTE that for many reasons we MUST require appointments vs. accepting calls and visits without appointments and without one's first being interviewed and qualified. Please understand that B&Bs and Inns are small companies that are already too busy for their own good, but Innkeepers are the most busy of all. Especially at one like this where we do offer so much more for so much less like ours do. We also receive numerous passers by and callers who may ask for tours, and many guests who need a lot and so we are busy people. We also receive hundreds of applications and do not have time for calls and/or personal visits. Anyone ignoring this request will be automatically disqualified from the hiring process. After receipt a complete and detailed resume and all attachments, all qualified and applicants of interest will be contacted for their initial and/or follow up interview.***
PAY/SALARY: ?Everyone who works at all at Arrowhead gets set up nicely! The more our Contractors do for us, and our Customers, the more they work, try, do, give, etc., for the Company/Companies, or the business, and our Customers, the more we do for them! Depending on your qualifications, efforts, ethics, hard work, and etc, the more we are able to do in return for you. Interns are able to receive not only On the Job Training but also may receive more than that, depending on their work efforts.
Base plus possible commissions, tips and possible discretionary bonuses commensurate with experience and efforts. ?Arrowhead may eventually include Possible Profit Sharing to Right, Dedicated, Honest, Long-Term Single &/or Couple! ?Arrowhead pays your rent payment and all room and board, and most living expenses, including sometimes meals.
Starting pay ranges from $9 per hour but can be up to as much as $15 per hour, or more, and even maybe some possible ownership shares to the right Long-term Career Staff. At Arrowhead people with the right attitude, efforts, honesty, integrity and work-ethic get many more bonuses and better pay-so the harder an Intern works, the more they will make!
HOURS: Full time Flexible and On-call 40 hours per week average to include nights and weekends of ALL Interns. And occasionally up to 50, as need in summer, and down to 30, as possible in summer with bonuses for hours averaged above 40.
JOB DETAILS/DUTIES: Varied Daily Duties performed by both of the applicants might include but not be limited to the following: Customer Service, Guest Check-in, Interaction, and 5-Star Customer Service, Reservations, and Billing, Office & Phones, Computer Service, Housekeeping, Housekeeping Management, Cooking, and more! No dead weight however. All Innkeepers will start as Housekeepers and Cooks and Maintenance Interns and work their way up. After 6-12 months Interns may be able to obtain and Internship &/or Career as a Caretaker &/or Innkeeper Assistant &/or Innkeeper Position. However, during the first 6 months they will be partially trained in these fields. If working in Couple Teams, ALL people in your couple will do ALL duties and NO couple is allowed to have one person avoid work while the other covers. Pay will be reduced at the time it happens or at the time of final invoice. All Interns/Contractors here in our Positions and/or Internships must be able to Learn and do the following without supervision or retraining after initial training (this includes singles and Couples and when and if we hire couples, they must both pass muster in every single facet, no Tom Sawyer or Drama Queens are allowed to remain long at Arrowhead). All must be able to learn and do (initial training is provided but the constant need for supervision, reminders and/or pushing to get Interns to do the work they are paid for, will not be tolerated). Areas Interns might learn and do some or a lot of work in while at Arrowhead are: cooking, serving, clean kitchen areas and equipment, clean and maintain and sometimes even improve and/or develop or build interior and exterior spaces, learn how to do laundry, learn to do maintenance and upkeep including painting, staining, light plumbing, light electrical repair, light construction and light remodel. All Interns must be willing and able to learn office work, phone work, computer work, and Guest Service/Customer Service Work. All people must be able to lift, carry, set up and stand on a 12 foot ladder, and all People must be able to lift and carry 75 lbs. if needed. Job usually will not be all the hardest of everything listed, but feel like it at times, and/or be at times, and all people who work here must be able to be involved in all facets whether light office work or heavy labor. No picking the easy work and stealing away to hide somewhere to avoid the rest.
EXPERIENCE NEEDED/TRAINING PROVIDED: No training is needed before hire but all experience and/or training might be helpful. Initial training will be provided, but thereafter will be your responsibility.Start in Ground Floor Internship Positions and work your way in and up!
IMPORTANT MUST-FOLLOW APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS: in order to qualify for the position, follow these instructions. PLEASE do not call!!! (calling will disqualify from hiring process), ALL of the following documents and information, for ALL applicants in your party, MUST be sent, all together, at one time, in one email;
1-A full & complete resume, including full job & employment history, listing title(s), duties performed & skills learned &/or utilized, salary, beginning & end dates of employment, Supervisor Name(s), Business Name, Address & Phone, including reason for leaving, along with all possible references, and a list of related experience &/or training, salary expectations, schooling, &/or professional certificates obtained, etc.
2-Applicants may also wish to add additional information to speed their application along, and avoid one Skype Interview, by attaching all of the following:
3-Cover Letter written personally by each Applicant showing their personal style and describing themselves and their personalities both personally and professionally (which helps shave off some interview questions), and all of their long & short term goals, and Career objectives working for our Company.
4-It is a really great idea to get all cards on table to save all people money. We are good, caring, understanding people, whatever you think might be an issue later, bring it out know, and we will do the same. Nobody ever wants to waste time finding out later we couldn't make it work. Tell us your problems, issues, reasons for wanting the job and expectations, dreams and aspirations, negative parts of the job that worry you or frighten you for any reason, reasons you might not, at times be able to commit to one or more of the listed duties, and/or others and why, reasons you might not be able to do full year before vacations, sick days, etc. Please tell us about what makes you think you took too many sick days at other places (poor relations with others, difficulty getting to like the job, week after week, day by day, etc,), least favorite bosses and why, etc. This helps all of us to understand what you need and area we going to be able to do that.
Upon receipt of a complete resume email as detailed above, and only upon receipt of this, for all people in your party, altogether at once, Applicant responses will be reviewed and considered. The more complete, the more favorable we will consider your response, and the sooner we might decide to call you. If we are interested, someone will get back to you. ALL callers and anyone not sending complete emails, and/or piecemeal emails, and/or not following instructions, will absolutely be eliminated.
Arrowhead does not discriminate in any way and is an equal opportunity employer. We hire people of all walks and statutes, and of all personality types. The only people we don't and won't hire &/or keep are people who don't work, people who lie, cheat or steal. We would love to hire anyone with the right attitude, and who can do the job. We do not discriminate based on any reason, including but not limited to: age, race, color, creed, sexual or marital position or familial status or preference, religious preference, nationality, citizenship, or anything else. We also will not tolerate any discrimination and/or sexual harassment of any kind, including persons working here improperly dressed or referring to sexual or other personal matters that are not expected in every professional workplace at any time.
Please again, do not call or stop by as you will immediately be disqualified. We also do not accept resumes by regular mail. ALL completed resumes must be sent via email to our address. Remember, please, we do not hire people who do not follow instructions. All people must realize people and places are busy and cannot receive unscheduled tours, visits &/or calls!!
This ad does not guarantee any pay, engagement &/or employment, in any way. These are determined on a case by case basis, as needed, basis only, and certain conditions do apply.
Thank you for your interest in our position!!! We look forward to hearing from the right candidates! Please take a moment to review the above job description again as it does explain what we are looking for and does give you full information of what to do and what not to do to be considered for this position.