Campground Attendants 2016 Camping Season - Storm Lake, IA
2016 Campground Attendant Campground Attendant is a seasonal position starting in mid-April and ending in mid-October at the Sunrise Campgrounds in Storm Lake. Attendants provide guests with customer service, handle cash, resolve issues, clean the park and restrooms, and other functions to ensure a great experience for guests of the campground.
Some duties include light maintenance and operation of small machines such as push mowers, weed trimmers, and power washers. Office duties include the need for an attention to detail, cash handling skills, and great customer service skills. Typically this position is filled by a team of two individuals who work together during each shift and opposite of another team of two individuals.
Compensation includes hourly wage plus camping site with full hookup (cable TV service not guaranteed) for the employment term. Attendants must provide their own camping unit.