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Domestic Couple Live-In - Stamford Connecticut
Domestic Couple Live-In - Stamford Connecticut
Looking for an experienced couple with solid references. This is a combination full time position for the Lady and a part time 4 month (may-September) position, for the Gentleman. The couple must be willing to live on the property year round.The gentleman is free to find another position from September on and return the following year to start his summer position in May. The lady must be an excellent housekeeper/laundress and a very good cook. The gentleman will be responsible for light maintenance on outside property, assist the lady in the house, do some Bar-b-queing, (outdoor kitchen by pool area),and help with serving. Both must drive, a car is provided and can be used for personal use for local driving on days off. The owners (husband and wife),also own property in New York City and Florida and therefore spend most of their time on long weekends in Stamford Ct, during the summer months.Couple will have their own separate cottage (kitchen,bedroom,bathroom),on the property. Family also employs landscaping and pool services. Salary will be based on experience and skills, along with the fact that the gentleman is only part time.The lady will recieve health insurance. Please e-mail a detailed resume /along with a recent photo and all work related reference telephone numbers and references letters to: (see below)