Workcamper(s) - Mountain View, AR
RV Park needs two couples for work camping. I am the park host. Couples are to work concurrently, or consecutively, as works out best for everyone. We need help from May 1 until October 31, 2017, or some significant time in between. In your email of introduction, state what months works best for you, and let's see how we can make this work.
Duties include painting, cleaning, fixing, registering, mowing, trimming, hosting jam sessions, hosting game nights, hosting pot lucks. This is not a paid arrangement. Compensation is a free site, all the electric you need, best campground Wi-Fi you've encountered, 143 channel cable TV and free laundry. You will be important to us, and you'll know it by the way you are treated. In return we need your exuberant support of the park’s efforts, and 15 hours (combined, total) work per week on average. That means (what average means) derived from some weeks being less and sometimes more.