Workcamper need Fall and Winter Seasons - Silverhill, AL
Well here it is the end of winter and comming in to spring. And I'm lining up fall and winter workamper now for our 2018 season. Which starts in Sept. to Easter.We are located just 6 miles from the bay of Mobile and 22 mils from the Gulf Coast.We are and event park. We hold events for the School age children in our area during the week and on week ends were open to the public.
Our positions range from lawn care to station /Platform Guard. Look at our website to see just whatwedo and let me know if you would like to be in on our fun. Your compensation for our camp would be your FHU, 2 tanks of propane per month, free wifi, use of all addminities of the park. We have potlucks every thursday. Bingo on mondays. Water arobics, and exercise classes. just to name a few things. If you think you would liketo come and spend your winter with us and have fun in Southern Alabama