Work Campers - Westport, WA
We are looking for highly motivated couples to help with our campground. We are located in beautiful Westport, Washington.
With a great view of the water and located just down from beach acesss (both bay and Surf beach access) American Sunset is in the heart of Summer fun. Typically one partner will be in the office doing things like making reservations and selling candy and alcohol out of our store while the other partner will be outside performing typical maintenance type duties like filling propane tanks, deliverying firewood, cleaning restrooms, and assisting our happy campers with anything they might need. We are a customer service oriented resort so our applicants must be very understanding and willing to work with customers in a fun and pleasant manner. This is CAMPING. It should be fun!!
We pay $12/ person/hour for all the hours you work and in turn will pay us a highly discounted rate of $400 per month (down from our regular $595).