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- Want to try out Workcamping for a short term? - Welaka, FL
Want to try out Workcamping for a short term? - Welaka, FL
Want to try out Workcamping for a short term? - Welaka, FL
Interested in trying out the Workamping lifestyle, but don’t want to commit to a long stay? We have a perfect opportunity for you! Welaka Lodge & Resort is in need of help beginning mid June, but our real need now is to cover July and August while some of our regulars are on vacation. We do have an ad running for a couple who could stay through October, which would be even better, but if you’d like to try workamping for a couple months, this could be the way to do it!
We are a small, friendly “Old Florida” resort with a pool, huge community spa, 8 cottages and 19 RV sites in the little rural town of Welaka. We have a 5 star rating on www.tripadvisor.com.
In exchange for working, we offer a full hookup site with wifi and ½ price at our Boathouse Bar on the river. On Sunday afternoons from March through October, we have the grill open serving chicken & fish sandwiches, hamburgers, fries, brats & hot dogs. The bar is also open for beautiful sunsets on Friday & Saturday evenings when we serve light snacks such as pizza. (Please note that we do not offer monetary compensation).
Schedules are made on Friday based on the number of cottages to be cleaned, so there are not set work days, but we are always off on Saturdays. Some weeks we work fewer hours & others more, but hours would average 20 hours per week per couple.
In most cases, the gentlemen handle outdoor light maintenance such as pool cleaning, blowing leaves off cottage porches, checking hot tubs,etc. Ladies spend most of their hours cleaning our beautiful cottages.