On Site Management Team needed for a family owned Self Storage Company, We are currently accepting resumes for an on site team [of two/ couple]
If you are hard working, independant, take pride in keeping your work area and surroundings clean you are a candidate for this position. We are looking for
Associates that can think on thier feet, take directions as well as work independently. Our team MUST be trustworthy, honest,and have exceptional communication
skills with tenants, prospective tenants and all team members. Our managment team will be responsible for all day to day operations and duties.
These duties will include but not limited to:
Customer service, renting units, Cleaning,,Overlocking units, leins, Cleaning grounds, pulling weeds, cleaning work space, small maintenance and repairs,
daily accounting, reports, deposits, purchase supplies, Collections of all monies.
Must pass backround and drug screening checks. Experience a plus.
Employment includes salary plus housing and paid utilities.
Qualified applicants please send detailed resume with work history and references.
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