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- R/V Site Host(s) - San Antonio, TX
R/V Site Host(s) - San Antonio, TX
R/V Site Host(s) - San Antonio, TX
Position Summary:
Mitchell Lake Audubon Center is a 1,200-acre wildlife refuge, located in south San Antonio, TX. The property is owned by the local water utility, San Antonio Water System (SAWS), and managed by the National Audubon Society. The historic Leeper House serves as its visitor center, with a small education pavilion on property. The site includes 7.5 miles of both walking and/or driving trails.
The center and the surrounding grounds are open 6 days per week year-round and attracts visitors from all over the world. Being a part of the Audubon team means making a difference for conservation. The Site Host position is a part-time, seasonal position assisting with essential end of day and after hours’ functions related to guest safety and facility support and security. Site Hosts support Mitchell Lake Audubon Center by ensuring all visitors have left the property at the close of business hours, and securing the gates and parking lot.
Site Hosts can expect to work an average of 10 hours per scheduled week. When not working, opportunities for Site Hosts to volunteer in public education, resource management, visitor services, and maintenance of gardens and trails is encouraged at the minimum of 20 hours per week. Site Host positions are filled by RV campers and are required to live on-site in their personal RV on one of Audubon’s two RV pads. RV sites are equipped with water, sewer, and electricity hook-ups. Site Hosts share closing responsibilities with staff as needed.
Essential Functions:
• Open front gate to visitors at appropriate time.
• Sweep and pick up trash around gate entrance.
• Sweep porch of general debris.
• Pick up trash along fence line and across property as needed.
• Provide assistance in set-up/clean-up of facility rentals.
• Unlock Visitor Center at opening.
• Lock visitor center at closing.
• Close gate at closing.
• Check trails and roads for obstacles due to weather or overgrowth.
• Check roads and trails for visitors at closing.
• Check/restock supplies at pavilion bathroom.
• Check/restock supplies at center bathrooms.
• Communicate supply and maintenance needs to Center Resource Coordinator.
Qualifications and Experience
- Must have an RV, valid driver’s license, and a personal cell phone with service provider.
- Ability and willingness to volunteer at least 20 hours per week, in area separate from your assigned duties.
- Ability to make sound decisions related to safety and security.
- Proficiency on Microsoft Office required.
- Ability to drive utility vehicle, ATV, riding mower, tractor, and/or 12-15 passenger van a plus.
- Preferred experience in general maintenance, working with the public, and/or in customer service roles.
- Ability to walk at least 2 miles to conduct trail sweep preferred.
- Bird and plant identification experience (especially as it relates to Texas) a plus, but not required.
- Training provided as needed.
- Must be able to lead walking tours and programs while outdoors on and off-trail.
- Must be eager to learn and share knowledge.
- Must be comfortable working with youth and the public.
- Must be self-motivated and able to both follow directions and work independently.
- Must demonstrate ability to be reliable and punctual.
- Experience with active, outdoor work including hiking and observing wildlife in physically strenuous settings, variable weather conditions, in remote locations, and on hazardous terrain preferred.
- First Aid and CPR certification is preferred.
- Multi-lingual preferred (Spanish, English, ASL, etc.).