Restaurant Hotel Kitchen Help - Harz
Seeking general all around help: Waiter/ Waitress, kitchen food prep, cook, dishwasher , outside yardwork, general maintenence, website creative ´help,
assistance to housekeepers.... knowledge of German language helpful but NOT NECESSARY
Prior Gastronomy business experience helpful but not necessary , willingness to learn, be trained, all around fill in help needed
Germany, Harz mountains; Border of East/ West
Nearest large city; Wernigerode, Halberstadt, 30 minutes
Nearest Modern City: Hannover ; 2 hours Berlin 2 hours Dusseldorf 3 hours
Charming and well known FAST PACED 125 year old Family hotel resort with 27 rooms, wellness sauna house, 150 seat restaurant
Popular area for nature hiking, mountain climbing , bicycling and skiing. Once in East German territory, later re-opened with the reunification between East and West Germany. Beautiful area full of history and nature.
Providing compensation of housing , all meals,
Seasonal help in Summer ; June - October, and winter ( ski season )