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- Property Caretaker(s) - Homeowners Association - Hansville, WA
Property Caretaker(s) - Homeowners Association - Hansville, WA
Property Caretaker(s) - Homeowners Association - Hansville, WA
Live and work near the mountains and water. Located at the northern point of the Kitsap Peninsula of Western Washington. The neighborhood has private beach access, swimming pool, clubhouse, and land for recreational use. Currently, over 200 homes, most are year-round residents, with some vacation homes. The Caretaker puts in approximately 1500 hours/year with 2/3 or more of it during the 4-summer months involving outdoor activities and pool. The caretaker would live within the 2 bedroom, 1 bath apartment attached to the clubhouse and perform the following job duties:
The Caretaker’s regular work on the Summer schedule involves accomplishing morning pre-opening checks on the swimming pool, daily required pool checks and maintenance, and cleaning of the pool equipment and shower rooms at the end of the day, as well as busier times as may be required. The remainder of the time will be devoted to critical maintenance of other facilities, general cleaning, upkeep and grounds maintenance.
During the off-season schedule, duties consist of regular pool maintenance as needed, general cleaning, and maintenance and improvements. Major repairs of any system or equipment which normally require specialized training or experience shall only be undertaken after consultation with and approval of the Board of Directors. No modification of building features shall be undertaken without prior approval of the Board. Approximately once each month, the Caretaker will participate in a conference with the Board member functioning as the Caretaker Liaison to discuss needed repair or upgrade projects and determine which fit into the Caretaker’s capabilities.
Specific duties include but may not be limited to the following:
- All lawns must be mowed as necessary to maintain a neat appearance in all seasons. Non-mowable areas will be weed whacked or otherwise hand trimmed.
- Fertilize and water as required. Fertilize the lawn inside the pool boundary fence only, one time each year in Spring. Winterize the sprinkler system around the pool.
- Keep landscaped areas around the Clubhouse free of weeds. Apply environmentally friendly weed killer three times per year to gravel parking area. Hand-weed all beds.
- Remove litter from the beach as necessary, daily during Summer, at least one time per week in off-season.
- Check three Mutt Mitt boxes and keep supplied with bags. Order bags as needed.
- Keep tennis and basketball courts free of debris. Once each year in the spring, use the surface cleaner attachment to the pressure washer to minimize damage to the surface of the tennis court.
- Empty garbage and recycling cans at the beach, pool and tennis courts as necessary. Set out garbage and recycling as required for pickup. Larger amounts of refuse may require trips to local dump.
- Maintain adequate supplies of diesel fuel, gasoline, lubricants, pool cleaners and general cleaners. Keep all such supplies safely secured.
- Keep a list of all Shore Woods tools and equipment. Maintain service and repair records for applicable pieces of equipment.
- At least once per year, cut back the previous year’s growth on trees and brush on all borders of the lower grounds leading to the beach to prevent encroachment on the span of view from the Clubhouse. Clean up debris using a burn pit or hauling off site.
- Maintain tractor and mowers: approximately every 40 hours of use check antifreeze and oil, and grease all fittings; grease spindles on deck and wheels of mower after each use; sharpen blades twice per year by elevating mowing deck and using grinder. Store tractor and mower under cover in the shed.
- Keep track of online or in-store purchase receipts and drop them off at KMP (or mailed), monthly at minimum or as required by the bookkeeper.
Clubhouse - Summer Season
- Clean shower rooms at least three times weekly, including scrubbing toilets and basins, and cleaning floor with an environmentally friendly solution. Replace paper items as needed.
- Check floors of shower rooms and hallways several times daily and mop or squeegee excess water to prevent slipping. Display “wet floor” and “bathrooms closed for cleaning” signage.
- Ensure NO CHEMICALS OF ANY KIND are used in septic system.
- Clean kitchen as necessary. Typically one major comprehensive cleaning in Spring before pool opens for the season, and once again in Fall, with constant minor cleaning as needed.
- Tidy, vacuum and dust the clubhouse at least weekly, but more frequently during Summer use.
- Keep all patio furniture clean and maintained. Pressure wash (carefully!) all outdoor furniture once in Spring before Opening Day.
- Pressure wash all decks, concrete and front steps as needed.
- Wash windows as necessary, but at least four times per year.
- Contact Waste Management to increase dumpster pick-up to weekly service.
Clubhouse -- Off Season
- Clean shower rooms on an as-needed basis.
- Mop floors as needed, only using laminate cleaning products with a dry mop. Keep laminate floors clear of water (all seasons).
- Wash windows as needed.
- Tidy, dust and vacuum social areas as needed in preparation for scheduled events.
- Take in patio furniture in the Fall for storage. Make any necessary repairs or replacements before replacing outside for the Summer season. Store furniture in boys' locker room and downstairs hallway without blocking fire exits.
- Clean and inspect the fireplace and chimney as needed.
- During winter, keep heat at a minimum of 48 degrees in the Clubhouse unless preparing for scheduled events.
- Contact Waste Management to decrease dumpster pick-up to bi-weekly.
Swimming Pool -- Summer Season
- Read and understand the Swimming Pool Manual published by the Washington State Public Health Assoc. Operate pool as per manual and maintain pool log per the example in the manual.
- Perform morning pool checks at least one hour prior to the scheduled opening time each day.
- Cover the pool nightly and uncover each morning.
- Check pH and chlorine levels at least twice per day.
- Mix chemicals and add as required, per Pool Manual.
- Super-chlorinate pools as needed, so as not to affect availability of pool.
- Clean pools daily with leaf catcher if needed.
- Clean skimmer baskets and pump strainer baskets one to two times daily.
- Backwash filter according to equipment specifications.
- Brush and vacuum pools according to state, county and industry standards.
- Maintain water levels in both pools so that skimmers are covered and so water reaches to the top of the second tile level around the edge of each pool.
- Vacuum or blow pool apron and cement under decks as needed to remove debris. Hose cement around pools daily.
- Brush entire plaster and tile of the pool surface.
- Pick up stray clothing and swimming paraphernalia and hold in lost and found box in the hallway near locker rooms. If unclaimed at the end of the season, donate to Sharenet Thrift Store or other charity.
- Maintain pool temperature at target temperature of 80 to 83 degrees.
- Flow rate must be maintained according to county and state specs.
- Read and understand propane pool heater instruction manual and maintain as per manual. Direct any concerns to the Board or Caretaker Liaison.
Swimming Pool -- Off Season
- Run pump in freezing weather. If ice forms in the pool, break it up around edges to prevent damaging walls.
- Super-chlorinate pools monthly or more if needed.
- Run pump, vacuum and remove leaves as needed.
- Clean skimmer baskets every day.
- Clean filters as needed.
- Maintain temperature in the pump room so as to prevent cold weather damage.
- Check water level at least one time per week and add water as necessary.
- Check pH weekly until water is 50 degrees or lower.
- Shock pool before covering for the season and add Algaecide.
- Begin pool opening tasks at least four to six weeks prior to Memorial Day.
General Maintenance
- Maintain oil furnace. Change filter and check pressure once per year.
- Drain water line to tennis courts before first Fall freeze.
- Drain hose outlets around Clubhouse before any hard freeze.
- Check all fire extinguishers for expiration date annually in April and arrange for recertification as needed. Peninsula Fire Extinguishers will usually call for appointment to provide this service.
- Check all smoke detectors and ensure they are in good working order. Replace batteries twice yearly.
- Replace light bulbs as needed.
- Paint bathrooms and decks as needed.
- Contact the Fire Department annually for inspection.
- Kitsap County Health Dept will inspect the pool unannounced. Follow through with any recommendations.
Maintenance to be Done in Conjunction with Board of Directors
- Report electrical malfunctions and replace minor parts when needed.
- Replace plumbing gaskets, washers, toilet wax rings and make other minor plumbing repairs as needed.
- Make minor roof repairs as needed.
- Make carpentry repairs as needed.
- Make repairs on sheet rock as necessary.
- Make concrete repairs as needed.
- Caretaker will not undertake any repairs of equipment for which he/she is not demonstrably qualified, without first consulting the Board of Directors.
- Any significant repair requires prior Board approval.
Caretakers’ monitoring duties involve being present when the Clubhouse is open for general use, enforcing rules, and providing information to community members on behalf of the Shore Woods Maintenance Commission. Specific duties include but may not be limited to the following:
- Study and understand the current Shore Woods Rules and Regulations and be prepared to enforce them.
- If possible, maintain the current Red Cross CPR qualification card and AED training.
- Open Clubhouse, gates, etc. at the beginning of scheduled activity times.
- Lock all doors and gates when securing the premises at the end of scheduled hours.
- Set lights and thermostats according to current needs.
- Assure that all occupants have authorizing tags. Guests will clearly identify their sponsors and have proper tags.
- Assure that all children in the pool are supervised according to the rules, by eligible persons inside the pool enclosure. Children found unsupervised will be kept out of the gated pool area.
- Turn off outside lights in the morning; turn on appropriate safety lighting in the evening.
- At closing time, assure that all participants are out, lock and check all doors and gates.
- Notice all arriving parties; assist persons looking for information about Shore Woods. 11. Monitor all scheduled parties.
- Participate in Board sponsored activities and parties.
- Do not assume any action which will give participants the impression you are a certified LifeGuard. However, monitoring the safety of participants in the swimming pool area is of high importance.
- In the event of any pool emergency, call 911 at once, and as soon as practical thereafter, call the Board liaison or a Board officer.
- Maintain frequent inspection of the premises. The swimming pool decks need to be completely free of all hazards or obstacles which could cause someone to trip or fall.
- Monitor fire usage on the beach.
- Caretakers must remain on the premises through their duty hours, unless relieved by a community volunteer who has signed a Volunteer Release Form. In the event an emergency requires leaving without such relief coverage, the facilities will be closed prior to the departure of the Caretaker.
- The Caretaker is in charge. No member of Shore Woods should be giving instructions or directions to supersede Caretakers’ authority. However, Caretaker must not become excessively authoritative or combative in order to express authority. Report all authority incidents in writing to the Board.
- Except for reporting requirements as stated above, maintain absolute confidence about any matters regarding Shore Woods members or their guests that come to your attention.
- The Board will issue pool tags as dues are received. Communicate with Board or Caretaker Liaison to understand the current system, and if participation in issuing tags is required.
- Maintain a Shore Woods information binder with copies of Covenants, By Laws, emergency contact information for Board, and other Shore Woods information.
- Maintain a Clubhouse reservation calendar for all community members in good standing.
- Check in and check out all parties reserving the Clubhouse.
- Collect all deposits and fees and return to the Treasurer of Board within seven days of receipt.
- Post notices of upcoming Board meetings at least one week prior by Clubhouse front door and on sign post by Shore Woods sign.
- Submit monthly AED inspection report online at www.aedauthority.com
- Work with the webmaster and bookkeeper as needed.
- Ensure property signage is in place and clean
- Caretakers will fill out daily time card documentation but the bi-monthly submitted electronically to the Board for review and approval by assigned Board member.
- Caretakers will keep track of any personal vehicle mileage accumulated in performing necessary errands.
- Caretakers will keep, maintain and re-order all supplies necessary to the maintenance of the Clubhouse, grounds and pool. Keep updated list of all suppliers.
- Caretakers will be required to additionally sign a tenancy contract, and must maintain Caretaker apartment in a safe, tidy and clean condition. Any changes to apartment must have prior Board approval.
- Members of Shore Woods may call with some frequency for information, directions, to reserve Clubhouse etc. Maintain a phone answering system and return calls promptly.
- Understand that members of Shore Woods may feel free to knock on Caretakers’ apartment door for assistance at any time. Within reasonable limits, try to assist the members.
- Attend monthly Board meetings and debrief the Board members on past month happenings of interest and anticipated efforts for the following month.
- Ability to work closely with community members and service providers to promote a productive congenial environment. Should possess a hands-on, "no job too big or too small" attitude.
- Resourceful, dependable, and exhibit good judgment, able to maintain grace under pressure.
- Enjoy frequent busy summer days interacting with and supporting community members and their families.
Wage and Benefits
- Hourly rates range based on experience between $16-18 per hour, $27 per hour for weeks over 40 hours.
- Housing and utility costs waived.
- 5+ years experience working in a similar capacity, with excellent references from past employers.
- Must be energetic, physically fit, have a great work ethic, be flexible, and possess a can-do attitude.
- Applicants can be from out of the state.
- There is no relocation budget for this position. Must relocate with your own funds.
- Applicant must be physically fit, nonsmokers, have a clean driving record, valid driver's license, and pass federal/state background check.