Nantucket Island Domestic Couple - Nantucket, MA
Immediate, year-round opening on Nantucket Island. Wonderful family needs a mature, service-minded couple to provide respectful, loving care of our summer home. "Her" duties: F/T in-season (p/t off): all housekeeping, laundry, ironing, shopping, weekend cooking and meal service, occasional pet care (2 small dogs), light gardening, trash removal. Must work all in-season weekends. "He" to have p/t responsibilities: lawn care & minor home maintenance. As his duties are limited, employment outside of the home is welcome. We are in residence from May-September, and have frequent weekend houseguests, then 1-2 weekends per month during the off-season. Monthly Salary + year-round, furnished 1-BR apt including electric/heat/cable/internet. Use of owner's vehicle. No: singles, smokers, pets or live-in children.