Motel Manager Couple - Hot Springs, SD
Looking for a motivated hardworking couple to manage a franchise motel in Hot Springs SD. The ideal couple should be willing to live onsite and shall be responsible for managing and running the property smoothly. Hot Springs is a tourist oriented quiet town in Black Hills. The motel is very busy from May until August and starts slowing in Septemeber. From November until March the occupancy is very low and we expect to use this slow time to do maintenance , repair, and upgrades to the property.
Duties include but not limited to :
Front Desk : Check in/Check out of guests
Guest Relations & Customer Service: Replyng to guest reviews and complaints
Serve Continental Breakfast & Laundry
Hire and manage housekeeping staff
Landscaping and yard management
Clean and maintain the common areas
Accomodation will be provided if needed.