MDHCA Site Manager Team - Goffs, CA
The Mojave Desert Heritage and Cultural Association (MDHCA) is looking for a Site Manager in Goffs, California, 30 miles northwest of Needles, on historic Route 66. The 75-acre site is comprised of the 1914 Goffs’ Schoolhouse Museum, outdoor exhibits of historical artifacts, workspaces, & living quarters. The good-natured manager will need to have schedule flexibility and demonstrated skills in plumbing, power machinery, electrical, and maintenance of fixed and mobile facilities. Must have the necessary computer skills to document information, communicate with the Executive Director and standard internet use. This position is best filled by a person or couple in good physical condition.
RV hook-ups and utilities are provided plus salary and two weeks paid vacation. This position does not have healthcare or a retirement plan. An application with references is required and a background check will be performed.