Managers and Work Campers - Ripley, OH
OUR CAMPING RESORT IS A 200 SITE (mostly) a seasonal campground that is family and children orientated. Please see our web site for more info on park.
We are looking for a management team not for the faint at heart this position is not a 20 hr a week position this is a full time + for right person could be permanent position if they wanted. Compensation for this position includes camping site with water/electric, all amenities + a negotiated salary. We would like to have this person in place by March. Equally important we are looking for the rest of the team ground care ,maintenance, store clerk , activities, and housekeeping these are typical positions.
Compensation includes free site and all amenities for 20 hr all work over 20hrs will be paid at a negotiated rate these jobs start April 1,2016.