Live in Motel manager/Innkeepers - Charlestown, RI
Full time, live in postion for energenic/service orientated couple, start date to be determined. Help me manage, maintain,and market my 15 room beach motel. Open year round but very seasonal occupancy. Live in seperate, recently updated, 2 bedroom house with all utilities included, pets welcome.
Ideal applicants/couple should have some hospitality backround, be available to live on site, maintain the grounds (less than an acre), hire and manage supplemental/seasonal staff (1 or 2 housekeepers), maintain rooms/housekkeping and answer phones and check internet reservations.
Salary is comensurate with experience. Compensation package includes weekly salary, tips and bonuses. Recently renovated 2 bdrm house with laundry, 1 car garage, all utilities included as part of package.
We are located 1 mile from the beach and occupancy is very seasonal so the off season is slow giving us time for maintenance. We do remain open all year though.