Waiheke Island Caretakers – Couple Position
A physically active couple are sought for the position of joint caretakers on a private Waiheke Island property.
The joint roles include maintenance of lawns, pathways, ponds, gardens, buildings and other structures plus cleaning of domestic dwellings and a guest accommodation cottage.
The main attributes sought are
Fitness (There is a lot of grass slashing, gravel path maintenance, clearing fallen trees, weed spraying, house and roof painting, gardening etc.)
Health & Safety (Important to follow all H&S requirements of working with machinery and occasional work on scaffolding)
Practical (It is important to have some practical building maintenance & repair skills)
Personality (Ability to work alongside the owners and be adaptable to change. Good communication skills required for dealing with visitors)
An annual salary plus a small two bedroom cottage located on the property comprise the remuneration package. The cottage is not suitable for children. Applicants must have an AWD or 4WD vehicle.
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