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House Parents - Midland, TX
House Parents - Midland, TX
We are looking to hire a married couple to live on campus and care for youth in our Teen Home.
COMPENSATION/SCHEDULE: $60,000 per year per couple. High Sky pays for all food, utilities and activities. High Sky will also provide all clothes and hygiene items for the youth. A van and gas is provided for all work-related duties. High Sky will provide housing for the youth and house parents. House parents will sign an agreement to maintain the property, and cleanliness of the home. A Property Manager is available for maintenance requests and repairs. House Parents will have every other weekend and nights off.
BASIC FUNCTION: Utilize an evidenced-based modality appropriate for teenaged age youth that includes pertinent life skill development to prepare for living independently after foster care. As “parents” they will be responsible for the physical, emotional, psychological, educational, social, and recreational needs of the youth. They will provide a normalized home environment and encourage a naturalized family living experience for the youth, building close relationship, and teaching valuable life skills.
HOUSE PARENT RESPONSIBILITIES include but are not limited to:
- Providing a balanced and appealing diet for the youth. Teaching youth to meal plan, grocery shop, and prepare family meals.
- Obtaining any needed medical or dental treatment, as well as, annual physicals, dentals, and eye exams. If the youth is aged 16 or older and their own medical consenter, assisting the youth in learning how to make/cancel/reschedule their own appointments.
- Provide adequate clothing and personal supplies for the youth. Youth are also able to buy additional clothing or personal supplies. House Parent will keep an inventory log on each youth that inventories their clothing and personal belongings.
- House Parents must distinguish between tasks which the youth are expected to perform as part of living together, and jobs to earn spending money/allowance.
- Adhere to health and fire safety recommendations with compliance of action immediately.
- Relate to the community and community agencies in such a professional way as to promote and maintain exceptional public relations for the therapeutic foster home. Provide communication with the agencies involved in placement.
- Complying with all licensing standards, contract, and Youth for Tomorrow standards.
- Dress and act in a way which depicts the House Parent as professional.
- Record all medications dispensed. Insure and provide transportation to all doctor or therapy appointments. Maintain daily progress logs.
- Work with each youth to meet goals of treatment plans and plans of service.
- Report any suspected abuse or neglect to CPS Hotline and Case Manager immediately.
PROGRAM RESPONSIBILITIES: The House Parent shall be responsible for directing the program in several ways, listed below. This list is not meant to be all-inclusive.
- Provide the concern, direction, supervision, and assistance to individual youth based on needs, skills, and treatment plan goals.
- Utilize a trauma informed model in order to assist youth in developing strong relationship within the “family system” and begin healing from their trauma experiences.
- Assisting youth in learning the necessary skills as outlined in the Casey Life Skills Assessment and utilizing the transitional living program tools.
- Assisting youth in their ability to cope with problems in a socially acceptable way, and help the youth improve their ability to relate to adults and peers in a positive way.
- Helping prepare youth for independent living and employment skills.
- Providing a safe, atmosphere where youth can share feelings and concerns without fear.
- Develop a system to encourage the youth’s participation in program decision making processes and family involvement.
- Assist in the development of treatment plans and goals with Case Manager and treatment team.
- Work closely with the Director of Independent Living, Treatment Coordinator, therapist, and any other members of the treatment team.
- Meet regularly and remain in close contact with youth’s teachers, and/or employers to keep abreast of the youth’s progress in school and employment settings. When problems arise in these settings, work cooperatively with personnel to solve these problems.
- House Parents should conduct themselves in a manner which provides an appropriate role model for the youths in the in home and be according to community and societal norms.
- Abide by a professional code of ethics.
- At least 25 years of age
- High School Diploma/GED with experience working with children with trauma histories or life challenges.
- Ability to perform duties as described including transporting youth
- Strong communication skills
- Good judgment and decision-making skills and positive references
- Agree to implement the Agency Model
- Complete pre-service and maintain in-service training hours annually as defined by Licensing, Contract, YFT, and organizational standards
- Clear TB and drug screening
- No history of abusing youth, crimes against person, or other criminal records that is in violation of Texas Department of Human and Protective Services guidelines.
House Parents will participate in a training program designated by High Sky Children’s Ranch. They will attend periodic workshops, participate in regularly scheduled training, and maintain quality standards.
House Parents will be trained in CPR and First Aid. They will also be trained in CPI, and they will maintain all their certifications and training hours. House Parents will be responsible for obtaining a minimum of 50 hours per parent of training annually.
1. Transportation- House Parents are required to transport youth to all necessary appointments such as medical, dental, vision, recreation, therapy, educational and after school activities, family/sibling visits, court hearings, PAL activities, conferences such as transition plan meetings/family group conferences/circles of support. Youth may not be charged gas money, even as a consequence for transportation issues such as missing a bus. Some transportation may not be local, such as going to medical appointments in Dallas or other major cities or family visits. Providing transportation is required.
2. Normalcy-House Parents are to provide youth with normal, family experiences, which can include various activities such as movies, going out to eat, house trips, and community activities.
3. Gifts- House Parents should provide gifts for special occasions such as birthdays, Christmas, Valentines, or other traditional holidays. Birthday parties/events are also important self-esteem boosters.
4. Hygiene/Hair Care- Youth should be provided with adequate hygiene supplies based on age and gender. This would include shaving supplies, hair gel, hair spray, deodorant, make-up, soap, shampoo, toothpaste, etc. Youth should have regular haircuts. Youth may not be charged for hygiene items.