Seeking a non-smoking, drug-free, couple to provide caretaker services on a part-time annual basis for a small 10 acre ranch outside of Denver. Horse, carpentry, cleaning and gardening skills a plus.
Need someone to clean horse stalls daily, feed horses twice a day, drag the arena, shovel snow (winter) maintain yard and gardens (summer) 5-7 days a week. We have 4 horses. It comes to about 1.5 hour in the morning and 30 minutes in the evening.
Also need someone to clean the house, change sheets, bring in firewood and reset the home for AirBnB guests. About 4 hours per week.
Additional projects available and paid at $25 per hour.
Candidates must be able to work independently with little to no supervision, be extremely willing to maintain a high level of detailed.
You can park your trailer on the ranch. Water, electric and 2x monthly tank pumping provided (no sewer hook-up).
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