Private Membership Campground in Kittitas county WA is accepting resumes for two 2-person teams, one Full-time caretakers and one Part-time caretakers.
Inside person duties:
Shall cover the office during business hours, answer phones, sell sundries and maintain the cash register.
Outside person duties:
Shall maintain grounds, collect garbage, clean restrooms, and showers, dispense propane and keep up with repairs to facilities and equipment. Possible snow plowing in the winter.
*Clean driving abstract
*Background check
*Drug testing
*The Full-time Caretaker Team is provided with an apartment, utilities and a salary.
*The Assistant Caretaker positions are for 2 days a week.
We furnish covered parking for your RV, electricity, propane, water, telephone and Satellite TV, which you would stay in 2 or more days a week, plus salary.
Salary for both positions will be discussed in interview.
Either position would be perfect for couples or semi-retired couples.
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