If you love farming, as we do, we have an exciting opportunity at our Sullivan County farm. The farm is 2 hours northwest of New York City. We would like to partner with a farm couple with the vision, mindset and energy to build a biodynamic, organic and sustainable vegetable produce (herbs, flowers, fruit) business that can generate income for many years.
We have a large investment in over a hundred raised beds, 6 hugelkultures, state of the art geodesic dome greenhouse, tunnel greenhouse, 2 smaller greenhouses, young orchard, and contacts for us to market what we grow. We can provide the budget for planting, organic fertilizer and the materials needed, tools, etc., along with housing. You provide the hard work and dedication that can help build this enterprise into a success. We share the profits 50/50.
This partnership could be useful training for those couples who are just starting out, and look forward to having their own farm one day, or it could work out on a long-term basis with us here.
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