We are looking for a management team that would enjoy working and living in the Los Angeles area. The job provides a nice double-wide updated home, with an average of less than 28 hours per week in the office and only one Saturday per month of 3 hours.
The mobilehome is park located in Whittier, CA; it is a Senior (55+ and older) park made up primarily of resident owned homes. The park is well-maintained with all ground level mobile homes and contains only 75 spaces.
We are looking for a team experienced in providing mobilehome park management to include knowledge of collecting rents, making deposits, procedural policies with regards to the Mobilehome Residency Law. The ideal couple would have participated in some classes provided by the WMA. Some knowledge or working experience with using Microsoft Office such as Word and Excel, an email program such as Outlook or Mac Mail and the ability to be comfortable researching the internet would be a beneficial candidate.
Salary, along with your own private residence, is commensurate with experience. Pets are allowed.
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