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- Experienced Horse Caretaker & Cleaning Help Wanted - Sonoita, AZ
Experienced Horse Caretaker & Cleaning Help Wanted - Sonoita, AZ
Experienced Horse Caretaker & Cleaning Help Wanted - Sonoita, AZ
Small nonprofit seeking couple experienced in horse and animal healthcare to live onsite and care for a variety of animals (mostly equines). Job involves all aspects of ranch work to include feeding and watering animals, cleaning feed and water containers, ability to recognize animal health issues to include signs of colic in horses, holding animals for vet and farrier, possibly transporting safely to veterinarian, lifting heavy buckets of wet food/hay/feed bags (up to 100 lbs each), preparing special diets and ability to identify each animal, and safely operating machinery. The work is manual labor, and the typical work week is 30-35 hrs for one person. There is no riding involved.
Couple would have days off together. Second position involves cleaning for a B&B/vacation rental. Strongly prefer someone with experience and attention to detail. Both positions require the ability to speak English, follow directions, read/write, have fully function of body to include arms/legs/hands/feet.
We can offer housing as part of compensation (there is a security deposit) or you can bring your RV. We provide $125/mo in electric service, shared internet and laundry facilities.
These are positions for someone who has experience and is willing to work hard, and is capable of working independently once trained. Must be US citizens. No tobacco use, no heavy alcohol use, no drug use. Just seeking reliable no-nonsense people who care. Pay depends upon experience.