Seeking very friendly clean cut couple to help run the resort in the evenings, and assist in the day to day activities. There would be set hours in the evening from approximately 4 to 10 PM. This will require checking in guests, provide guests with any requests or questions, running computer software for reservation system, and finishing whatever tasks may have not been completed during the day.
This would usually consist of remaining laundry. Would prefer couple that is flexible on hours that could help with housekeeping during the day as well. We have a very nice lodging, which has full bed, bath, kitchen, an living room. The location is in the heart of the Black Hills near Mount Rushmore in South Dakota. Need Help from May 1st to November 1st (approximately)
Compensation will vary dependng on hours willing to work and job duties. These candidates will represent our business, which we take the highest level of pride in. Our expectations would be an extremely high level of diligence, honesty, and pride in work well done.
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