Domestic Couple - Stratford Ct/New York City, NY
Looking for an experienced live-in Domestic couple for Stratford Ct. and at times able to work in clients New Yok City apartment as a live-out couple, and you must therefore also have your own residence within commuting distance from New York City. The Connecticut location is a weekend residence for the client and your position there will be a 5 day work week off 2 days during the week.
The requirements are: She- must be an excellent housekeeper and a good family cook. He- must be a handy man type, able to handle some out side and in-house maintenance, lawn maintenance and help with cleaning. Both must drive , have American licenses and speak English well. The couple must have at least 3 years experience working together at the same location.
Salary is in the range of $125-135,000 (depending on experience). Please email a detailed resume and include all references names and contact information ,(include any letters of references you might have), along with a recent photo.