Direct to Consumer Sales - Nationwide
Direct-to-Consumer Sales – Individuals and Couples - Nationwide Opportunities
Many people love the idea of starting their own business. The satisfaction of financially benefiting from your work while simultaneously helping people solve problems is life changing. Yet there are so many barriers to business ownership; the right idea, start-up money, finding customers, space and legal issues just to name a few.
Shouldn’t there be an easier way to achieve independence?
Tie Boss can help.
By demonstrating the value of Tie Boss at events in your region, you will delight your customers and benefit directly from your effort. Tie Boss will provide all you need to get started; hands-on training, interested consumers at planned events, a professional sales booth and inventory. As your partner, Tie Boss removes the roadblocks between you and your own business. You only need to be determined to succeed.
Tie Boss - Tough tasks made easy for Outdoor Enthusiasts and Homeowners.