Camp Hosts - Cook/Handyman/Manager/Bar Tender - Klamath Falls, OR
Our resort is 45 minutes from Medford, 30 minutes from Klamath Falls and about an hour from Ashland. It's rural yet not far from the urban convenience. It has been a destination for outdoor activities like fishing, boating, birding, and hiking for many family with over 100 years of history. We look for a couple with their own trailer or RV who want to be the Camp Hosts. We provide RV parking sites with utilities (include water, electricity exce[t gas, with limited standard wifi) for a trade of 20 hours of work per week. If exceed 20 hours, we pay $12 per hour.
The role and responsibilities for Camp Hosts can be any of the following:
- cook, bar tender, maintenance work, ground keeping, housekeeping, restaurant work, boating help, customer services and be flexible to perform tasks as per required.